These antimicrobial properties have been demonstrated by an extensive body of research.

They have an inherent ability to kill a wide range of harmful microbes relatively rapidly – often within two hours or less – and with a high degree of efficiency. The surfaces of copper and its alloys, such as brass and bronze, are antimicrobial. *More on the anti-microbial nature of copper: We appreciate your patience as we prepare your new favorite pocket sculpture. We do keep some Hringpoki stones in stock but because of the painstaking processes used, the stone you order may be made specifically for you. This method gives each stone a unique stepping pattern that looks almost like the whorls of a fingerprint. Our steel+ stones are made additively - a process in which layered steel powder infused with bronze is heated in an industrial autoclave. Our copper, brass, and bronze stones are made using lost wax metal casting and then hand polished. Hringpoki stones are made with copper or copper alloyed metals because they are NATURALLY ANTI-MICROBIAL - * see below.

I hope you pick up your hringpoki stone often. HRINGPOKI: hringur = circle/ring poki = bag/pack I created an approximation of those patterns using my hringpoki technique - placing an optimum amount of differently sized circles into a limited space to create a pattern that is mesmerizing to both see and touch. These trapped bubbles of gas are called vesicles. Shop our wide selection of stone tile, stone tiles and tiled stone at Floor & Decor. As lava hardens into stone and the various gas bubbles trapped inside create bubble-shaped voids. The unique design was inspired by the volcanic stone in Iceland. It is a modern version of the traditional worry stone - just the thing to keep in your jacket pocket or within arm's reach on your desk when you need a little reassurance (and to naturally clean your hands of microbes).